criminals can get your credit card when you shop online.

The introduction of credit cards has made life easy when it comes to a good payment solution for everyone to use but the disturbing rate of credit card crimes have increased.

Security officials all over the world have been trying to tackle this issued with no positive solution yet found. People say that there information of the card details which they own were stolen when they went shopping online…..

It is very possible but it is much easy for people to steal your card information in a real shop where you go and buy things physically, when dealing through the online shop, your internet explore display an icon that looks like a padlock which means that the website is safe that’s why you don’t pay on any site that is not secured ,another one is the sending of emails to you claiming to be your bank or card provider telling you to send your card information which includes your name, card numbers, ccv, pin numbers and all other card information to them, all this are means of stealing your credit card details and when such things happen your credit card dealer will never compensate you for the lost, so be careful.

Always make sure you don’t shop online on unsecured sites, you can find out where to use your card from your card dealer.


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